I see the oil of anointing flowing from beneath the throne of God. Purest golden, shimmering light. Pouring to earth, saturating all who will step in and open their hearts to receive. I see the oil of anointing bathing the hurting spirit, healing the broken heart. The oil of anointing seeps into the deepest recesses, illuminating, scattering the shadows. I taste the oil on my lips and open my mouth to drink it in. It is sweetness in my mouth. I feel the oil on my skin, smooth as silk, empowering me to worship. The oil is dripping off of my clothes onto my feet, I step deeper into the flow until I am covered with the pure oil of anointing. I am reminded of Aaron, I wonder if this is how he felt? Humbled, I fall to my knees. I cannot stand. The oil continues to pour; I lay prostrate. Overcome, I hear Him speak.
"You have been endued with power, My strength I give to you. Go now and make disciples. Time is close at hand, the fields are white and ready for harvest. I am coming soon. Do not tarry, lay aside every petty thought, and take up My cross. Follow Me closely, obey My voice with urgency, without delay. Many are called but few are chosen. You are My chosen. Allow Me to work within You to accomplish My Fathers business, to accomplish My Father's heart; that none should perish, that all men would be saved. . You are My hands. You are my feet. Lay aside every weight. set aside every distraction. You are My minister in the Earth. I have poured out the oil of anointing into your spirit for such a time as this."
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