Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Scroll

I walked through the rotating door of the library. My nose is assaulted with the smell of  books and my ears instantly absorbed the silence. My fingers began to tingle as I removed a pair of white cotton gloves from my pocket and slide them on. Anticipation quickens my steps as I made my way through rows and rows of shelves. My destination: a room ensconced behind a set of paned french doors. The plaque above the door reads "Ancient Texts and Scrolls." Here the silence is even more profound. The only sound is the gentle rustle of pages being turned one by one. I take a seat next to a scholarly looking gentleman, an attendant has my scroll ready. Gingerly I unroll it inch by inch until the characters come into view. The world outside is forgotten, the room fades away. As I read I hear the Father say:

" I have called you. I have ordained you. It is time now for you to step out and speak to My people. You are My minister in the Earth. You are My hands and feet. For too long you have been muzzled by those who did not want to train you up. You have been muzzled by those who saw what I have placed on the inside of you and were intimidated by your gifts. Because of them you have doubted what I have called you to do. For too long you have believed their lies. I say ENOUGH! I am removing the muzzle from your mouth. The time is now. Now is your time to do what I have placed in your heart to do. Like Ezekiel, you must eat the scroll. You must get My Word deep inside you. It will be as honey in your mouth. It will fill your belly with fire, and like Jeremiah you will have no choice but to speak it out. You will not be able to stay your tongue. I the Lord have spoken it. I am opening doors no man can shut. Divine appointments, divine connections. I am raising you from the ashes, and you will soar like the eagles. Do not be afraid. I AM with you always. Do not step to the right or to the left, consume My Word, and when you open your mouth to speak; My Word will flow forth."



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