Sunday, January 25, 2015

Starting Over

So many things have happened. Too many to list. I have felt abandoned, lonely, afraid and confused. Why you ask would I tell you these things? Because I have been on top of the mountain. I have tasted success, I have seen the glory of God. I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. Then in a moment, in the blink of an eye, everything was gone. How did I end up in the valley? What did I do? Where did I go wrong? I cried out to the Lord in my distress, my pain seemed too much to bear. Loss after loss ruled my life. I didn't understand. Silence reigned from every side. I erected walls, hoping to protect what little I had left of my heart. Tears soaked my pillow each night, the sun refused to shine. I was swirling in an eddy I could not control nor escape from. 

I knew in all of this God was not at fault. He promised to provide. He promised to take care of me. Each loss I suffered was not God punishing me, but Satan attempting to drown me in self pity, to drown me in death. I refused to comply. God DID NOT cause these bad things to happen. Even though I didn't understand why, God never left me. Even though my heart broke a little more each day, God never left me. God stood beside me. God has carried me all these months. God sent his Angels to hold me and comfort me while I slept. I never saw them, but in my heart I knew they were there.

Now like a babe, I am ready to walk again. My muscles are not quite strong enough, I cannot walk on my own. God is holding my hand. He will not allow me to fall. He will carry me when my strength fails. When I am weak, He is strong. God will never fail me.

Are you walking in a valley? Are you confused? Are you on the verge of losing everything? God has not left you. He is there with you. He sees every tear you cry. He hears every prayer you pray. He is not ignoring you. Lean on and into Him. He will never fail you. Yes it is hard because you cannot see the end. Yes it is hard because you may not know where you are going. Like Abraham God is calling us to start over. Yes it is hard. Yes it is uncomfortable, but the time is now. We must return to our first Love. We must believe like we did when we first accepted Christ. We must know deep within, deeper than we have ever tried to look; God is for us and not against us. He will not leave us destitute. He has never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. He will not leave us bleeding on the side of the road. He is the Good Shepherd. He will never leave us to fend for ourselves. 

Join with me. Your journey is different from mine and we are traveling different roads, but starting over begins with the first step. Take the step with me. Leave all the hurt and disappointment behind. Look unto Jesus the Author and finisher of our faith. In Him alone will we find the courage and strength to take a step, another and then another. We do not have to understand, we simply have to step, and know that each step is ordered of the Lord. He will guide us as we gain strength, as we once again begin to run the race He has set before us. From this day forward we are no longer afraid, because we know we do not walk alone. 

Blessings and Prayers

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