Sunday, March 30, 2014


Broken, shattered, relationships in ruin, life in tatters. Alone. The pieces of the puzzle scattered, driven by the wind. Sitting in the darkness, only a tiny candle to light the way. Overcome, confused, cast aside like yesterday's news. In the night I cry out, tears soak my pillow. How could I have made such a mess?.... Do I even matter? Why am I here? An endless circle of pain and mistakes. Will life ever get better?... What is the answer?

 A hill called Golgotha, A cross, three rusty nails. A cry into the darkness "IT IS FINISHED!" A borrowed tomb. HE IS RISEN, HE IS RISEN! Come and see! .... 

"I became sin for you, I didn't just take it, I became it. That is why my Father had to turn his face. I did it all for you. I laid down my life for YOU. I rose again on the third day and ascended to my Father's side. How I long to mend those broken pieces. How I long to hold you close. I am standing here waiting. I have seen every tear you have cried. There is so much that I could tell you. So much I wish you could see. So much to give you, if you would only believe in me. What are you waiting for? I am standing at your hearts door; knocking, knocking, will you let me in. I know all the places you have been, I have seen all that you have done. In my heart is forgiveness, how I long for it to be yours. The crushing weight of your mistakes are light as a feather to me, won't you hand them over, I will cast them all into the sea. If you will accept me I will remember your sin no more. You will be covered, covered by my blood. O' dear child all you have to do is ask. I will take up residence in your heart, and fill your life with light. I am standing here waiting. I'm not going anywhere. You see my hearts desire, is for you to belong to me." Love Jesus.


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