Monday, March 31, 2014

Drops Of Nectar

 Your Word is like honey in my mouth; drops of nectar that satisfies the deepest thirst. How I crave it's sweetness. Tonic for my soul, Your Word reaches to the deepest depths of my heart washing away all the impurities of the day. Cleansing golden drops of nectar Your Word purifies and makes whole. Line upon line, precept upon precept, Your Word fills me, makes me stronger, enables me to speak life. Golden drops of nectar that coats the weary and worn with Your love, Your compassion, Your grace. Golden drops of nectar how I drink it in, filling me to overflowing till my cup runs over.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Broken, shattered, relationships in ruin, life in tatters. Alone. The pieces of the puzzle scattered, driven by the wind. Sitting in the darkness, only a tiny candle to light the way. Overcome, confused, cast aside like yesterday's news. In the night I cry out, tears soak my pillow. How could I have made such a mess?.... Do I even matter? Why am I here? An endless circle of pain and mistakes. Will life ever get better?... What is the answer?

 A hill called Golgotha, A cross, three rusty nails. A cry into the darkness "IT IS FINISHED!" A borrowed tomb. HE IS RISEN, HE IS RISEN! Come and see! .... 

"I became sin for you, I didn't just take it, I became it. That is why my Father had to turn his face. I did it all for you. I laid down my life for YOU. I rose again on the third day and ascended to my Father's side. How I long to mend those broken pieces. How I long to hold you close. I am standing here waiting. I have seen every tear you have cried. There is so much that I could tell you. So much I wish you could see. So much to give you, if you would only believe in me. What are you waiting for? I am standing at your hearts door; knocking, knocking, will you let me in. I know all the places you have been, I have seen all that you have done. In my heart is forgiveness, how I long for it to be yours. The crushing weight of your mistakes are light as a feather to me, won't you hand them over, I will cast them all into the sea. If you will accept me I will remember your sin no more. You will be covered, covered by my blood. O' dear child all you have to do is ask. I will take up residence in your heart, and fill your life with light. I am standing here waiting. I'm not going anywhere. You see my hearts desire, is for you to belong to me." Love Jesus.


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Perfect Peace

The day is drawing to a close, stars are beginning to twinkle. Lamps in windows glow with warm inviting light. Gentle music floats on the breeze, and off  in the distance the whippoorwill begins his nightly song. Peace, perfect peace floods my soul. You O' God are that perfect peace. You O' God are far above the heavens. You, O' God, allow Your peace to transcend the ages. Fill us Father. Your peace echos through every chamber of my heart, filing me to overflowing. Even when there are questions that still need answered, even when things are not working out the way that was expected, even when, even when, even when! Your perfect peace reigns! You reign! Your peace is my beacon, my guide, my counselor, my strength in trouble. Your peace will lead me to Your perfect truth. My soul cries out in rejoicing! My heart overflows with thanksgiving. Your peace follows me as I close my eyes to sleep. Your peace guards me through the night, and wakes with me in the morning light.

"When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrow like sea billows roll. What ever my lot, thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well, with my soul!"


Friday, March 28, 2014


I came here to hide. Brokenness upon brokenness. Surely I could blend in; mix my brokenness with theirs. Each person so unique, so special. Each one with their own brand of brokenness. Struggling to find their way. Searching for the truth. Spinning wildly in a world out of control.  I could go unnoticed....

But this was  not your plan.

 There is no room in Your kingdom for hiding. No room for going unnoticed. You have brought me the most broken. The ones who are hurting so deeply. How can I help them, when all I want to do is hide? 

I take the plunge...

With the first shared scripture, You have brought healing to my soul. You have opened my heart to once again receive. How I know Your presence! How I hear Your whispers.  Your Spirit is alive again; flowing freely through me to those who need you the most. Oh that my light would shine! That they would see You in me. That You through me will make a lasting impression on their spirits. Wrap Your loving arms around each of them, and draw them close to Your breast. Breath new life into them, help them to stand. Mend every broken place, bind up every wound. Pour in Your oil of gladness, and give them the garment of praise for their heaviness. Fill them with Your peace that passes all understanding. Help them to know Your voice, and understand when You speak. Wash away their pain. Lead them into Your truth. 

Thank you for bringing me to this place. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to love them. Thank you for not allowing me to hide.       

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Healing Rain

Thunder crashes, lightning flashes. Rain begins to fall. Pouring torrential rain washing away. Cleansing, rivulets streaming, each drop purifying. Healing, dry and dusty, barren. Healing rain, rejuvinating, restoring. Rivers of healing rain wash over my feet. I begin to dance. Healing rain. Healing rain, pour down upon me. I dance your praise O most High God. Pour out Your healing rain. I receive Your healing rain. Wash away all my pain. Wash away all my unforgiveness. Wash away all my strife. Healing rain pour down on me. I will cry to the heavens for Your healing rain. Wash my spirit. Healing rain. Healing rain, pour down. 


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Peace In the Storm

Storms will come. As a Christian this truth was hard for me to understand. After all, I am a child of the Most High God. He loves me. He will not let anything happen to me. Sound familiar? So needless to say that when storms, or trials blew into my life, more often than not, instead of asking God what He would have me learn from them, I would get angry, shake my fists and give up. It wasn't until I came across the passage of scripture where Jesus, after a busy day of ministry told the twelve to get in the boat and go across to the other side, while He went to pray alone. Well they did exactly what Jesus told them to do. The got in the boat, and headed for the other side. Midway through the lake, yep you guessed it a raging storm blew in. The boat was being tossed, they were scared, and then... they see what appears to be a ghost walking on the water. The storm at this point was forgotten. The storm was the least of their worries. There was a ghost walkig across the water! Jesus spoke up. "It is me.. Don't be afraid." Then Peter being the great man of faith and power of the hour spoke up. "Lord if it be you, bid me come." Jesus said "COME." Well Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water to Jesus... Fast forward a few minutes... Jesus and Peter got into the boat and the boat went to the other side. That said to say this... How many time have you been walking in obedience and BAM! out of nowhere you are blind sided by life, circumstance, the devil? It is tempting to ball up our fists and begin reciting to God all of the things that we are doing, and how it is unfair that this unfortunate storm chose this particular time to blow into our lives, and then when God doesn't answer the way that we think he should, we really get angry, throw up our hands and sit down. Lets look at that passage of scripture a little closer. yes the desciples were doing exactly what Jesus told them to do; they were walking in obedience. When Jesus showed up they were not afraid of the storm anymore. Look at it closely. When Jesus told Peter to "Come", the storm was still raging. The wind was still blowing at gale force. The waves were still crashing into the boat. Yet the presence of Jesus, Just his presence brought peace to their hearts. Their situation hadn't changed, yet they were no longer afraid. The same is true for us. The peace in our storm is Jesus. He is crying out to you. "COME!" Your situation may not change immediately. It probably won't, but like the desciples you can know perfect peace within the storm. Run to Jesus. Lean into Him. "In all thy way's acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths."

Friday, March 21, 2014

Waters of Change

Sitting on the banks of the river, I see the current swirling. Longing to carry me along into new and unexpected depths. Change, the waters of change, as I sit here watching, desire for these changes swell inside my spirit.  Desire to be swept away into the unknown, overflows like the river overflowing it's banks. I dive in. The water is warm and comforting. Immediately I know that I have made the right choice. I can see where I once sat, and that for a time the sitting was necessary. It was my time to heal. It was my time to reflect on all the steps that I had taken, that God had brought me through to reach the bank of the river. I realize that it would have been easier to sit along the banks and watch as the river flowed by. But now that I am floating I know that I could sit there no longer. You too are on the banks of the river.  God is calling for you to jump into the churning eddies. He longs to sweep you away into His plan for your life. Waters of change are waiting to carry you into beautiful face to face relationship. Jump in. Do not fear the change, embrace it. Allow God to sweep you away into His best. His divine plan.


I am sitting here waiting for great words of wisdom to just come pouring into my spirit, yet all I can really think about is the trip to Mississippi. I know not very spiritual right? Well, probably not, but at least it's honest :). Maybe after Words From the Word International airs here in about 30 minutes I'll have something more. :) Please pray for me today as I travel, I will be making the trip alone. I was so hoping that hubbie would be able to make the trip with me, but he was not able to get the time off. S'ok though, I know God has got something big in store not just for the drive, but for the entire trip. I want to encourage you to go to and check out the archived programs. I know they will be a blessing and encouragement to you. 

I will try to post once more before heading out today. Blessings and Hugs!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Copy of Mandisa Overcomer

Seeking Wisdom

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering: for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. James 1:5-7.
A few key points that we need to take notice of.
1) We must admit that we do not know it all
2) We must ask
3) We must believe that God desires to get us the answers (ask in faith)
4) We must be focused. (laser minded in our quest for wisdom)
Blessings and Hugs!


Well here I am attempting to start a blog. This is new territory for me, and I am not quite sure exactly how God is going to use this blog. It is my prayer that you are blessed as you read each post. I will do my best to post at least every other day. Blessings and Hugs! Enjoy